A downloadable soundtrack

My entry for the OST Composing Jam #7! I used the image by @kawaakar and phrase "Inside My World" for inspiration.

The music:

Here are a few tracks I composed to give some idea about the audio direction

1. Beautiful Sea Dome (Level 1)

With this track I wanted to capture the essence of wonder for the player. This track uses lots of panned arpeggios to demonstrate movement.

In terms of timbre, I choose to use strings and bell sounds to impart a sense of weightlessness.

This was the first track composed for this jam! In fact, the motifs in this OST all originated from here.

2. I Didn't Sign Up for This! (Boss theme)

Oh no! This theme would play when you encounter one of the 7 security merobots the guard each dome layer exit. The track clocks in at a swift 200bpm, emulating the fast beating heart of the player as they fight for their life against an unfeeling machine. 

Many timbre elements are brought over from the previous track including the arpeggios. 

If you listen closely to the intro you might hear a familiar melody!

3. fresh air (Ending theme)

After finally defeating all 7 merobots, you have made it out of the dome and onto the surface! Equipped with your land exploring suit, you're ready to search the surface world for it's true history. 

This track is a solo piano piece that lets the player know things are calm, for now...

I used a snippet of the melody from "Beautiful Sea Dome" as the basis for this track and created some harmonic movement to accompany it.

After my initial take, I recorded two other ones and that is what you hear panned to each side in the final track!

You can listen on Soundcloud to the tracks below. Just click to allow embeds.

Soundcloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/jondaremusic/sets/domesea-ost?si=aae1bc67ae434d0995c5d0ee972c32ce&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

Contact info: 

Email: jondaremusic@gmail.com

Website: jondaremusic.com


Jon Dare - Beautiful Sea Dome (Level 1).wav 28 MB
Jon Dare - I Didn't Sign Up for This! (Boss theme).wav 28 MB
Jon Dare - fresh air (Ending theme).wav 20 MB
Jon Dare - Domesea OST.zip 74 MB


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soundcloud link doesn't work


Thanks for the heads up, link should work now.